Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Multiliteracies: a student's family memoir

Here is a video capture of one student's comic.
He used a voice recorder and uploaded the audio file,
to complement the visuals and present his project work.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Multiliteracies: a student's family memoir

Here are two pages from one student's graphic memoir.

Digital and Critical Literacy

This video demonstrates student learning in their use of two research tools, Creative Commons ( ) and EasyBib ( ), for best practices in use of digital images and source citation.

Story to Story Board

This is a video of a student explaining her research project. It demonstrates her learning in the areas of Traditional Literacy: writing, Information Literacy: research, Media Literacy: storyboarding, Visual Literacy: imaging, Cultural Literacy: interviewing immigrants, Digital Literacy: using technology to scan, upload and search and Critical Literacy: synthesizing multiple sources.